Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"EveryTrail is a global web2.0 platform for geotagged user-generated travel content ... . EveryTrail makes it easy to share travel experiences [and plan trips], through interactive maps that include photos plotted along your trip route. The ... EveryTrail community is a great place to connect with others who share similar interests in travel and outdoor activities." Credit: About EveryTrail.

In order to test the EveryTrail iPhone app, I went for a short walk in the communities of Milway Meadows and Hollin Hills (located in Fairfax County, VA). Along the way, I took a few photographs using my iPhone 3G's built-in camera. The photos were geotagged automatically by the iPhone's GPS receiver. An interactive map and slideshow of my trip is shown below. (Adobe Flash Player required.)

Test Track No. 1

Map your trip with EveryTrail

On a five-point Likert scale from "very dissatisfied" to "very satisfied," I'd rate my satisfaction with the performance of EveryTrail as "very satisfied" (5 out of 5). More later in a follow-up post.

Tech Tips: Download a KMZ file to view "Test Track No. 1" in 3D Google Earth. EveryTrail Mobile Apps are available for Android-, Blackberry-, iPhone-, and Windows Mobile phones

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Camera or cameraphone?

Rob Pegoraro, Personal Technology Columnist for The Washington Post newspaper, poses the question, "Camera or cameraphone?" (in a column by the same name). In a follow-on column, Pegoraro reviews two GPS-enabled point-and-shoot digital cameras: the Panasonic DMC-ZS7; and the Samsung HZ35W.

Pegoraro clearly prefers dedicated digital cameras to the relatively low-end digital cameras featured in smartphones, while correctly conceding the superior performance of smartphone GPSRs for geotagging photos; he also seems to favor the Panasonic camera over the Samsung. As an owner of both an Apple iPhone 3G and the Panasonic DMC-ZS7, I tend to agree with the comment posted by WorstSeat: "Your best camera is the one you have." -- an idea underscored by professional photographer Chase Jarvis in his book of iPhone photography, The Best Camera Is The One That's With You.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Embedded Voicemail Message from Google Voice

This is a demonstration of how to embed a voicemail message in a blog post. My friend DJ left the following message on Google Voice:

Login to Google Voice; go to "Inbox." For any voicemail message, click on the hyperlink to "more v"; select "Embed." Add a caption (optional) and cut & paste HTML in a blog post. For more information, visit the following Web page: "Post voice messages to your blog using GrandCentral."

Tech Tips: "GrandCentral" is now called "Google Voice." Google Voice is currently available by invite only. Request an invite.