During my 31-year career in K-12 education, I taught “Earth Science” and “Physical Science”; for the last 12 years, I also served as both a full- and part-time “Planetarium Teacher” for K-8 students. In chronological order, I was a science teacher at the following Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools: Robert E. Lee High School; West Springfield High School; and Carl Sandburg Middle School. I retired effective 01 July 2009.
I graduated from T.C. Williams High School in 1972 (Remember the Titans). I graduated with honors from James Madison University in 1978; I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in geology, with a minor in secondary education. I did extensive graduate-level work in instructional technology at George Mason University.
For more than a decade, I was actively involved with several education outreach initiatives of the American Meteorological Society. I currently serve as chairperson of the North American Sundial Society Education Committee.